This process helps you through the registration process on PlayHQ.
Futher information can be found on our Facebook page (pinned at the top of the page).
Please see the Registration Process on this page for further information
Once you have read the document, register using the button below
Click the Auskick button to learn more about Auskick at Modbury Football Club
Have you played for another club but want to transfer to Modbury?
Click the button below to learn how to go about playing for Modbury.
Celebrating a milestone and would like a banner?
Please click the button below to navigate to the Banners page for all the information you require.
When and where do we train?
COMING SOON - The 2025 Training Schedule will be released soon!
Click on the Fixture button to view the SANFL Junior Fixtures
COMING SOON - the 2025 Fixture will be released soon!
Role |
Name |
Phone |
Chairman |
Peter Berlemon |
0412 045 040 | |
Vice Chairman |
Mick Phillips |
0419 605 651 | |
Secretary |
Mark Strudwick |
0400 980 018 | |
Treasurer |
Aston Schirmer |
0459 337 771 | |
Role |
Name |
Phone |
Registrar |
Scott Amos |
0411 743 305 | |
Coaches Co-ordinator |
Scott Amos |
0411 743 305 | |
Jun Football Coordinator (11-17.5 boys) |
Simon Baliga |
| |
Sub Jnr Football Coordinator (7-10 boys) |
Wade Richards |
0475 278 513 | |
Girls Football Coordinator (8-18 girls) & Team Manager Liaison |
Kitty McBrien |
0400 191 848 | |
Event Management & Fundraising |
Steve St Clair |
0481 978 252 |
Property Steward |
Wade Richards |
0475 278 513 |
Communications |
Colin Kent |
0431 554 513 |
Sponsorship |
Peter Berlemon |
0412 045 040 |
Committee Members |
Inarra ThomsonKirsty Benson |
0478 146 4460452 119 476 |