Interested in playing cricket for Modbury?
Click on the button below to register for our great cricket club.
Fees and Registration details can be found here
To keep up to date with all of the latest news with the Modbury Cricket Club, be sure to check the news page! There, you will see the latest news on coaches, projects, registrations and everything else happening at the Modbury Cricket Club!
Modbury Cricket Club is actively involved in both senior and junior cricket competitions. In the ACTA competition, the club will proudly field four senior teams. These teams compete in the A3, C1, L02 and L06 divisions.
Additionally, the club boasts a remarkable presence in the NEJCA competition, where it fields a total of 10 junior cricket teams. These junior teams encompass all age groups, so all are welcome. Notably, the club also takes great pride in having dedicated girls' teams. The Modbury Cricket Club also supports the Woolworths Cricket Blast program.
To keep up to date on the Modbury Cricket Club, follow us on Facebook by clicking the link below.
To purchase any club or playing shirts, see the link below!
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